mad as a hatter

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pähkähullu demented Demented or crazy.
1857, w:Thomas Hughes|Thomas Hughes, Tom Browns Schooldays'', Part II, chapter 3,

He's a very good fellow, but as mad as a hatter. He's called Madman, you know. And never was such a fellow for getting all sorts of rum things about him. He tamed two snakes last half, and used to carry them about in his pocket; and I'll be bound he's got some hedgehogs and rats in his cupboard now, and no one knows what besides.
1895, w:John Kendrick Bangs|John Kendrick Bangs, s:A House-Boat on the Styx|A House-Boat on the Styx, chapter 7,
"I think he’d be as mad as a hatter at your insinuation that he would invite any of his wives, if all I hear of him is true; and what I’ve heard, Wolsey has told me."
1904, w:G. K. Chesterton|G. K. Chesterton, s:The Napoleon of Notting Hill|The Napoleon of Notting Hill, Book III, chapter 3,
I think Adam Wayne, who is as mad as a hatter, worth more than a million of you. But you have the force, and, I admit, the common sense, and he is lost.
1920, w:Agatha Christie|Agatha Christie, s:The Mysterious Affair at Styles|The Mysterious Affair at Styles, chapter 10,
Sometimes, I feel sure he is as mad as a hatter; and then, just as he is at his maddest, I find there is method in his madness.
1939,w:Agatha Christie|Agatha Christie, s:And Then There Were None|And Then There Were None, chapter 11,
If you ask me that woman's as mad as a hatter.


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